Schwartz, David M.
How much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by Steven Kellogg. - New York : Lothrop, 1985. - unp. : col. ill.
Text and pictures try to make possible the conceptualization of a million, a billion, and a trillion.
0688040500 0688040497
84005736 /AC
Million (The number)
Billion (The number)
Trillion (The number)
Number concept.
How much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by Steven Kellogg. - New York : Lothrop, 1985. - unp. : col. ill.
Text and pictures try to make possible the conceptualization of a million, a billion, and a trillion.
0688040500 0688040497
84005736 /AC
Million (The number)
Billion (The number)
Trillion (The number)
Number concept.