Nelson, Michael.
The Lottery Gamble. / Michael Nelson. - American Prospect, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 31. Business, 1522-3191; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: The Lottery Gamble, June 4, 2001; pp. 19-21.
"To state governments caught in a vise between greater revenue needs and widespread opposition to taxes, the lottery seemed an appealing way out. During the late 1960s and the 1970s, 12 states (mostly in the Northeast) legalized lotteries....The desire for nontax revenues was not the only thing fueling the spread of lotteries; there also was a competitive pressure on the states that didn't have a lottery." (AMERICAN PROSPECT) This article examines state lottery revenues and the effect such monies have on local economies.
Deceptive advertising.
Internet gambling.
State governments.
The Lottery Gamble. / Michael Nelson. - American Prospect, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 31. Business, 1522-3191; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: The Lottery Gamble, June 4, 2001; pp. 19-21.
"To state governments caught in a vise between greater revenue needs and widespread opposition to taxes, the lottery seemed an appealing way out. During the late 1960s and the 1970s, 12 states (mostly in the Northeast) legalized lotteries....The desire for nontax revenues was not the only thing fueling the spread of lotteries; there also was a competitive pressure on the states that didn't have a lottery." (AMERICAN PROSPECT) This article examines state lottery revenues and the effect such monies have on local economies.
Deceptive advertising.
Internet gambling.
State governments.