Wheelwright, Jeff.
Don't Eat Again Until You Read This. / Jeff Wheelwright. - Discover, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 44. Health, 1522-323X; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Don't Eat Again Until You Read This, March 2001; pp. 35-43.
"StarLink is the corn that triggered last fall's recall of taco shells, tortillas, and many other corn-based foodstuffs from supermarkets. It is the one genetically modified corn not approved for human consumption. The costs of its recall--losses to farmers, to food companies like Kraft and ConAgra, to grain exporters like Archer Daniels Midland, and to the StarLink manufacturer, Aventis--are still being totaled, but they may exceed $1 billion. More important, the episode may have shifted the debate over genetically modified foods in the American diet--shifted opinion against them, according to one national poll." (DISCOVER) This article discusses the process of growing StarLink corn and explains Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration guidelines for product safety.
Aventis SA.
Food allergy.
Genetically modified foods.
Natural pesticides.
Product safety.
Transgenic plants.
Don't Eat Again Until You Read This. / Jeff Wheelwright. - Discover, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 44. Health, 1522-323X; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Don't Eat Again Until You Read This, March 2001; pp. 35-43.
"StarLink is the corn that triggered last fall's recall of taco shells, tortillas, and many other corn-based foodstuffs from supermarkets. It is the one genetically modified corn not approved for human consumption. The costs of its recall--losses to farmers, to food companies like Kraft and ConAgra, to grain exporters like Archer Daniels Midland, and to the StarLink manufacturer, Aventis--are still being totaled, but they may exceed $1 billion. More important, the episode may have shifted the debate over genetically modified foods in the American diet--shifted opinion against them, according to one national poll." (DISCOVER) This article discusses the process of growing StarLink corn and explains Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration guidelines for product safety.
Aventis SA.
Food allergy.
Genetically modified foods.
Natural pesticides.
Product safety.
Transgenic plants.