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Green, Rick,

Odds at Slots Don't Deter Gamblers. Rick Green. - Hartford Courant, 2004. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Article 34, Business, 1522-3191; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Originally Published: Odds at Slots Don't Deter Gamblers, May 17, 2004; pp. n.p..

"As the number of gambling machines multiplies--from slots to video lottery terminals to electronic bingo devices--to more than 750,000 in North America, so does the uneasiness. Fast-paced video slots are the most addictive form of gambling ever devised, studies show, raising fresh questions about the responsibility of casinos, manufacturers and the governments that regulate them....Documents on file in the U.S. Patent Office from a 1984 patent for modern computerized slot machines that use a random number generator make it plain that convincing gamblers they have a shot at winning is party of the business plan." (HARTFORD COURANT) This article reveals how the power these gambling machines have over individuals "has led some researchers and governmental officials to call for new restrictions on video slot machines."


Electronic gambling machines
Slot machines



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