Lester, Katherine Morris.
Historic costume; a resum�e of style and fashion from remote times to the nineteen-sixties [by] Katherine Morris Lester and Rose Netzorg Kerr. Additional illus. by Ila McAfee and Helen Westermann. - 5th ed. - Peoria, Ill., C. A. Bennett Co. [1961] - 288 p. illus. 24 cm.
61016745 /L
GT510 / .L4 1961
Historic costume; a resum�e of style and fashion from remote times to the nineteen-sixties [by] Katherine Morris Lester and Rose Netzorg Kerr. Additional illus. by Ila McAfee and Helen Westermann. - 5th ed. - Peoria, Ill., C. A. Bennett Co. [1961] - 288 p. illus. 24 cm.
61016745 /L
GT510 / .L4 1961