Kerley, Barbara
The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Hawkins. - Barbara Kerley - New York : Scholastic, 2001. - unp.
The true story of Victorian artist Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkings, who built life-sized models of dinosaurs in the hope of educating the world about what these awe-inspiring ancient animals and what they were like.
Hawkins, B. Waterhouse
Dinosaurs--Models--History--19th Century
The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Hawkins. - Barbara Kerley - New York : Scholastic, 2001. - unp.
The true story of Victorian artist Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkings, who built life-sized models of dinosaurs in the hope of educating the world about what these awe-inspiring ancient animals and what they were like.
Hawkins, B. Waterhouse
Dinosaurs--Models--History--19th Century