Hadingham, Evan.
Garbage! : where it comes from, where it goes / Evan & Janet Hadingham. - New York : Simon in association with WGBH Boston, 1990. - 48 p. : ill., maps. - A Novabook .
Documents the ever-increasing problem of what can be done to dispose of our garbage.
067169426X (pbk.) : $5.95 0671694243 : $14.95
Refuse and refuse disposal.
Garbage! : where it comes from, where it goes / Evan & Janet Hadingham. - New York : Simon in association with WGBH Boston, 1990. - 48 p. : ill., maps. - A Novabook .
Documents the ever-increasing problem of what can be done to dispose of our garbage.
067169426X (pbk.) : $5.95 0671694243 : $14.95
Refuse and refuse disposal.