Yaw, John.
Grand national championship races / John Yaw and Rusty Rae ;[photos. by Rusty Rae]. - Minneapolis, MN : Lerner, 1978. - 47 p. : ill. - Superwheels series .
Discusses the history of and various racing events in the American Motorcyclist Association championship racing series.
0822504243 : $5.95
Motorcycle racing--History.
Grand national championship races / John Yaw and Rusty Rae ;[photos. by Rusty Rae]. - Minneapolis, MN : Lerner, 1978. - 47 p. : ill. - Superwheels series .
Discusses the history of and various racing events in the American Motorcyclist Association championship racing series.
0822504243 : $5.95
Motorcycle racing--History.