Berger, Melvin.
Why do volcanoes blow their tops? : questions and answers about volcanoes and earthquakes/ by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger; illustrated by Higgins Bond. - New York, NY : Scholastic Reference, 2000. - p. cm. - Scholastic question and answer series .
Summary: Questions and answers provide information about volcanoes and earthquakes, covering such aspects as why, how, when, and where these phenomena occur.
Questions and answers.
Why do volcanoes blow their tops? : questions and answers about volcanoes and earthquakes/ by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger; illustrated by Higgins Bond. - New York, NY : Scholastic Reference, 2000. - p. cm. - Scholastic question and answer series .
Summary: Questions and answers provide information about volcanoes and earthquakes, covering such aspects as why, how, when, and where these phenomena occur.
Questions and answers.