Berger, Melvin.
Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes / by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger; illustrated by Barbara Higgins Bond. - New York, NY : Scholastic Inc, 2000. - p. cm. - Scholastic question and answer series .
Summary: Provides answers to a variety of questions about tornadoes and hurricanes, including "Where do most tornadoes strike?" and "How long do hurricanes last?"
Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes / by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger; illustrated by Barbara Higgins Bond. - New York, NY : Scholastic Inc, 2000. - p. cm. - Scholastic question and answer series .
Summary: Provides answers to a variety of questions about tornadoes and hurricanes, including "Where do most tornadoes strike?" and "How long do hurricanes last?"