Rayburn, Tricia.
Maggie Bean in love / Tricia Rayburn. - 1st Aladdin Mix ed. - New York : Aladdin Mix, 2009. - 282 p. ; 20 cm.
Maggie Bean starts eighth grade happy with the hope of having a boyfriend, but she quickly learns that relationship with thirteen-year-old boys do not come easy.
5.7 5-8 Follett Library Resources
Man-woman relationship--Fiction.
School stories.
Maggie Bean in love / Tricia Rayburn. - 1st Aladdin Mix ed. - New York : Aladdin Mix, 2009. - 282 p. ; 20 cm.
Maggie Bean starts eighth grade happy with the hope of having a boyfriend, but she quickly learns that relationship with thirteen-year-old boys do not come easy.
5.7 5-8 Follett Library Resources
Man-woman relationship--Fiction.
School stories.