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Deal at Enron Gave Insiders Quick Fortunes. / Kurt Eichenwald.

by Eichenwald, Kurt; SIRS Publishing, Inc.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: SIRS Enduring Issues 2003Article 24Business. Publisher: New York Times, 2002ISSN: 1522-3191;.Subject(s): Enron Corporation | Business failures | Corporations -- Accounting | Corporations -- Corrupt practices | Insider trading in securities | PartnershipDDC classification: 050 Summary: "To a small group of executives at Enron Corporation, it meant something different: the opportunity to obtain millions of dollars of cash, fast, with the money coming from the company's own coffers." (NEW YORK TIMES) This article examines the insider trading at Enron corporation.
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REF SIRS 2003 Bus24 (Browse shelf) Available

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2003.

Originally Published: Deal at Enron Gave Insiders Quick Fortunes, Feb. 5, 2002; pp. A1+.

"To a small group of executives at Enron Corporation, it meant something different: the opportunity to obtain millions of dollars of cash, fast, with the money coming from the company's own coffers." (NEW YORK TIMES) This article examines the insider trading at Enron corporation.

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