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Dragon Run.

by Matthew, Patrick.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Scholastic, 2013Description: 325.ISBN: 978-0-545-45068-3.Summary: That's the truth that Al has know all his life: The five mortal races were created by dragons to gather magic. Since then, the dragons have ruled the world, branding mortals according to their worth, shaping their societies, even training a lucky few to handle magic themselves. It's one boy against the world - and some fearsome beasts in the fun fantasy-adventure!
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That's the truth that Al has know all his life: The five mortal races were created by dragons to gather magic. Since then, the dragons have ruled the world, branding mortals according to their worth, shaping their societies, even training a lucky few to handle magic themselves. It's one boy against the world - and some fearsome beasts in the fun fantasy-adventure!

Lexile 630L 4.2 12

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