Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: America's Next Crisis: Going Dry, May 13, 2001; pp. B8+.
"Viewed from space, Earth is a blue planet, 70 percent of its surface covered with water. But most of this water--more than 97 percent--is saline. The fresh water we rely on for life itself represents only a fraction of the world's supply--most of it is locked in the polar ice caps. Supporting a constantly growing population, these freshwater reserves are being threatened by pollution or are steadily disappearing." (ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL) This article examines the dwindling fresh water supply throughout the world and discusses what experts say needs to be done to correct the situation.
Aquifers. Droughts. Fresh water. Hydrologic cycle. Irrigation water. Water--Forecasting. Water policy. Water use. Water supply.