Caplan, Elinor.

Why Immigration Will Shape Canada's Future. / Elinor Caplan. - Caplan/Elinor, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 3. Environment, 1522-3205; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Why Immigration Will Shape Canada's Future, Jan./Feb. 2001; pp. 3-17.

"Immigrants and refugees are now the main source of Canada's population and labour force growth. Our social and economic future, the very nature of the country, depends on them, and on our immigration and refugee policies. We must close the back door to illegal entrants who abuse our laws, and open the front door to those on whom our growth and prosperity depends." (CANADIAN SPEECHES) This collection of speeches discusses how immigration laws and decisions made by the Canadian government will shape the country's future.


Brain drain.
Emigration and immigration--Canada.
Illegal aliens.

Canada--Race relations.
Canada--Social conditions.
