Hastings, Deborah.

Adoption nightmares / Deborah Hastings. - Associated Press Newsfeatures, 2001. Los Angeles Times, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 4. Family, 1522-3213; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. This MARC record contains two articles. Originally Published: Adoption Nightmares, Feb. 4, 2001; pp. 1C+. Originally Published: Seeking child's love, a child's life is lost, Feb. 4, 2001; pp. A1+.

"Finally, the photograph arrives. And all that longing finds purchase. Here is your new child....The adoption agency is paid--$10,000, $15,000, $20,000--whatever it takes. The future is an airline ticket to Moscow clasped in your hand....Everything you've hoped for, waited for, paid for and, good God, what is the matter with him? He cannot--or will not--stop flipping the television switch. On. Off. On. Off. On-off. On-off. On-off-on-off-on-off-on-off, until annoyance and fear seize your heart....At home, it most definitely is not fine. You discover his fascination with knives. That he fondles little girls and grown women. That he enjoys trying to break the dog's legs. He is 6 years old." (MAINE TELEGRAM) This article examines reactive attachment disorder and relays that "hidden in a deluge of children adopted from Eastern Europe are untold numbers of violent and profoundly disturbed youngsters.". "Ten-year old Candace Newmaker died in the midst of a treatment meant to heal her. The therapists, and their methods, are going on trial." (LOS ANGELES TIMES) This article focuses on a controversial treatment for reactive attachment disorder (RAD), a condition in which children who do not form bonds of attachment with caregivers as infants act in antisocial and oftertimes violent manners. "Stories abound about [RAD] kids who disrupt dinners by projectile vomiting, who run hands up visitor's dresses, who bite dinner guests in the calf, who rip curtains off walls in the middle of the night.


Adopted children.
Adoptive parents.
Child psychotherapy.
Adoption--Law and legislation.
Attachment disorder in children.
Intercountry adoption.
