Goode, Erica.

A Rainbow of Differences in Gays' Children / Erica Goode. - New York Times, 2001. Gannett News Service (Syndicate), 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 17. Family, 1522-3213; .

This MARC record contains two articles. Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: A Rainbow of Differences in Gays' Children, July 17, 2001; pp. D1+. Originally Published: Growing Up with Gay Parents, Aug. 23, 2001; pp. 1D+.

A RAINBOW OF DIFFERENCES IN GAYS' CHILDREN -- This article address the question: "Does growing up with parents who are gay or lesbian make a difference?" (NEW YORK TIMES) GROWING UP WITH GAY PARENTS -- "Gay men and lesbians are claiming their own square in the American quilt of 'family values': Rising numbers of them are choosing parenthood, with uncertain consequences for their kids. Until the last several years, kids of homosexuals were almost always born during their parents' earlier marriages. Now what's often called 'gayby boom' is underway as gay adults purposely create families. More lesbians are conceving with donor sperm, gay men increasingly are employing surrogate mothers, and both sexes are adopting, thanks to liberalized adoption practices" (USA TODAY) This article examines research regarding the so-called "gayby boom," noting "some distinctive qualities in gay families.".


Child psychology.
Gay parents.
Role models.
Children of gay parents.
Parent and child.
Sex role.
