Murphy, Kim.

A Town Choking to Death. / Kim Murphy. - Los Angeles Times Syndicate, 2001. Inter Press Service, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 15. Health, 1522-323X; .

This MARC record contains two articles. Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: A Town Choking to Death, Sept. 7, 2001; pp. A1+. Originally Published: Wave of Asbestos Deaths Forecast in Poor Countries, Oct. 3, 2001; pp. n.p..

A TOWN CHOKING TO DEATH -- "The legacy of industrial poisoning in America is a grim one: There are the copper mines of Butte, Mon., that created a poisonous pit more than a mile wide and 1,800 feet deep. There is Cleveland's Cuyahoga River, once so polluted it caught fire. There is New York's Love Canal. But for sheer human misery, there rarely has been anything like Libby [Montana]." (LOS ANGELES TIMES) This article relates the story of the people of Libby, many of whom are sick or have died from the asbestos fibers of a nearby mine. WAVE OF ASBESTOS DEATHS FORECAST IN POOR COUNTRIES -- "The epidemic of asbestos-related cancers that erupted in the United States and Western Europe will be vastly magnified in the developing world, warn doctors and experts who have called for a global ban on the mineral." (INTER PRESS SERVICE) This article reports on the expected rise in asbestos-related deaths throughout poor countries.


W.R. Grace & Co.

Public health--Developing countries.

Libby (Montana)
