Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Reading, Writing and Revenue, May/June 2001; pp. 84+.
"Edison aims to prove that corporate management and a back-to-the-basics curriculum can revolutionize public education....Schools managed by Edison, the company promises, will have high-tech classrooms, motivated teachers, and dramatically improved student test scores--all at no extra cost to taxpayers. Over the past five years that idea has won Edison contracts to run more than 100 schools in 21 states and the District of Columbia....If Edison's pitch sounds too good to be true, a growing number of researchers and educators say, that's because it is." (MOTHER JONES) The author investigates whether Edison has delivered its promise and addresses the debate over whether private companies have any business running public schools.
Charter schools. Educational change. Privatization in education. Public schools.