Barry, Dave.

On Hallowed Ground. / Dave Barry. - Newscom (KRT), 2002. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Article 76. Family, 1522-3213; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Originally Published: On Hallowed Ground, Sept. 8, 2002; pp. n.p..

"In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln was essentially trying to answer a question. The question was: How do you honor your heroes? Lincoln's answer was: You can't. No speech you give, no monument you erect, will be worthy of them, of their sacrifice. The best you can do is remember the cause they died for, finish the job they started." (MIAMI HERALD) The author reflects on fallen heroes and their final resting places.


Aeronautics--Commercial--Passenger traffic.
September 11 Terrorist Attacks (2001)
Terrorism--United States.
Victims of terrorism.

