Lotozo, Eils.

Empty Cribs. / Eils Lotozo. - Knight-Ridder (1999-June 2002), 2002. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Article 9. Family, 1522-3213; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Originally Published: Empty Cribs, April 2, 2002; pp. C1+.

"As U.S. and Cambodian officials try to untangle allegations of baby-buying and adoption corruption, hundreds of families remain in legal and emotional limbo." (PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER) This article details how adoptive families "have been stuck in anxious limbo ever since the Immigration and Naturalization Service stopped Cambodian adoptions" to investigate claims of kidnapping and baby-brokering.


United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Adoption--Corrupt practices.
Intercountry adoption.
