Plucky Confidence Marks Latest Crop of College Grads.
Amanda Paulson.
- Christian Science Monitor, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 49, Business, 1522-3191; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Plucky Confidence Marks Latest Crop of College Grads, June 2, 2003; pp. 1+.
"Even as newspaper headlines bemoan the asysmal job climate for college grads, what they fail to mention is that many of those grads are the least perturbed of anyone." (CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR) This article suggests that "many 2003 grads sound upbeat despite the dearth of jobs."
College graduates--Employment College students--Attitudes Generation Y (1979-1994) Job hunting Labor market