Who We Are, Why We Teach.
John O'Neil.
- NEA Today, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 59, Business, 1522-3191; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Who We Are, Why We Teach, Sept. 2003; pp. 26-32.
"With all the talk of shortages and burnout, budget cuts and a never-ending litany of demands--extra duties, prescribed curriculums, higher test scores--what attracts educators...to the profession? And what makes them stay?" (NEA TODAY) This article presents the results of an NEA Today study on the challenges facing teachers today--and "what keeps them energized about teaching."
Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965 No Child Left Behind Act 2001
Education and state Educational tests and measurements Effective teaching Job stress Teacher-student relationships Teachers--Attitudes Teachers--Rating of Teachers--Salaries, etc. Teachers--Training of