Developers Target Communities at Aging Boomers.
John Handley.
- Chicago Tribune, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 42, Family, 1522-3213; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Developers Target Communities at Aging Boomers, April 25, 2003; pp. n.p..
"Beginning in 2006, the first wave of Boomers will turn 60. And, many are expected to shy away from retirement communities because that's where 'all those old people live.' Home builders understand this. Their solution is the increasing construction of 'age-targeted' housing, which is designed for this age category but doesn't advertise that. It's for those who want to live in a pre-retirement community." (CHICAGO TRIBUNE) This article describes the advantages and amenities available at age-targeted development communities.
Aged--Housing Baby boom generation (1946-1964) Gated communities Housing development Middle aged persons Real estate developers Target marketing