80 Days That Changed the World.
Richard Lacayo and others.
- Time, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 6, Global Issues, 1522-3221; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: 80 Days That Changed the World, March 30, 2003; pp. A3+.
"There are many ways to shape time into meaningful compartments. Photographers talk about the decisive moment. Pop culture tends to think in decades--The Roaring Twenties, the Swinging Sixties. Some historians are satisfied by nothing less than what French thinkers call the longue duree, the centuries-long unfolding of social and even geological change." (TIME) This article chronicles 80 historic dates that changed the world ranging from the 1920s to 2002.
Time (Periodical)
Discoveries in science Entertainment industry Mass media and war Popular culture Twentieth century--History World history World politics