Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Founders Chic, Sept. 2003; pp. 101+.
"Interest in the Founders has risen and fallen over time, as has admiration for them and their accomplishments. Although such things are hard to measure, it's probably fair to say that their stock is currently at an all-time high." (ATLANTIC MONTHLY) This article examines why there is a strong interest in the U.S. Founding Fathers and suggests that "in revering the Founders, we undervalue ourselves and sabotage our own efforts to make improvements--in the republican experiment they began. Our love for the Founders leads us to abandon, and even to betray, the very principles they fought for."
United States Constitution
Declaration of Independence (1776) Diplomats Executive power Founding Fathers Presidents Statesmen
United States--History United States--Politics and government