The Hunt for a WMD.
Cameron W. Barr.
- Christian Science Monitor, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 55, Global Issues, 1522-3221; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: The Hunt for a WMD, Sept. 18, 2003; pp. 1+.
The author, a Christian Science Monitor reporter, chronicles his experiences tracing an Iraqi container believed to contain a chemical used in the production of nerve gas. His "hunt provides a window on the difficult work of United Nations inspectors in Iraq--and the US-led Iraq Survey Group, which is still trying to track down weapons of mass destruction (WMD)" (CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR). The conclusion to his story presents evidence that "the Iraqis followed a responsible course of action" in disposing of some banned chemicals.
Hydrogen fluoride Investigative reporting Nerve gases Searches and seizures Weapons of mass destruction--Iraq