Methamphetamine Addiction: "Speed" Still Kills.
Cardwell C. Nuckols and Joseph T. Kane.
- Counselor, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 64, Health, 1522-323X; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Methamphetamine Addiction: "Speed" Still Kills, Feb. 2003; pp. 14-18.
"Charles Manson and his crew, high on methamphetamine, were responsible for the Sharon Tate murder. The Hell's Angels were guarding the stage at Altamont Speedway at a Rolling Stones concert when the concertgoers rushed the stage. The guards, high on 'speed,' killed some and injured others. The children of the 60s remember that methamphetamine destroyed the Summer of Love in San Francisco in 1967. There is an old adage in the addictions field that if you wait long enough the same drug will cycle every 20 to 30 years. Although methamphetamine never really went away, the last decade has witnessed a sharp rise in use as the drug has spread from being a west coast phenomenon to a national epidemic." (COUNSELOR) This article presents the physical and psychological effects of methamphetamine and outlines a "treatment plan for the methamphetamine-addicted individual."