The New Sex Scorecard.
Hara Estroff Marano.
- Psychology Today, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 79, Human Relations, 1522-3248; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: The New Sex Scorecard, July/Aug. 2003; pp. 38+.
"Although sex differences may provide ammunition for David Letterman or the Simpsons, they unfold in the most private recesses of our lives, surreptitiously molding our responses to everything from stress to space to speech." (PSYCHOLOGY TODAY) This article examines the new imperative to explore sex differences and discusses how a better understanding could lead to improved health and relationships.
Brain--Research Brain chemistry Depression--Mental--Genetic aspects Genetics--Research Genomic imprinting Hormones--Sex Men--Health and hygiene Men--Psychology Sex differences Women--Health and hygiene Women--Psychology X chromosome Y chromosome