Fixing the Race Gap in 25 Years or Less.
Steven A. Holmes and Greg Winter.
- New York Times, 2003.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Article 11, Institutions, 1522-3256; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2004. Originally Published: Fixing the Race Gap in 25 Years or Less, June 29, 2003; pp. 1+.
"The Supreme Court decision upholding affirmative action in university admissions seemed to carry an expiration date. 'We expect that 25 years from now the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today,' Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote in her 5-to-4 majority opinion last week [June 23, 2003]. While the justices have in the past said that affirmative action should not be used forever, never before has a justice placed a specific time limit on it. Having now done so, Justice O'Connor has raised tough questions, both broad and specific." (NEW YORK TIMES) This article addresses the questions raised by O'Connor's deadline. A time line of affirmative actions in U.S. history is included.
United States Supreme Court --Decisions--Affirmative action
Affirmative action programs Chronology--Historical Discrimination in higher education Education--Demographic aspects Judges--Attitudes Universities and colleges--Admission