Investors Chasing the Death Dividend Taken for Millions.
Michael J. Berens and Mark Skertic.
- Chicago Tribune, 2004.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Article 77, Business, 1522-3191; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Originally Published: Investors Chasing the Death Dividend Taken for Millions, July 21, 2004; pp. n.p..
"Viaticals are financial instruments that allow a life insurance policyholder to sell his or her policy benefits to investors for a portion of what the policy will someday pay....Dozens of companies selling viaticals maintain stellar regulatory records and have been consistently profitable. But since 1998, a majority of companies that were licensed by regulators have run afoul of the law." (CHICAGO TRIBUNE) This article explains how viatical transactions work and reports the results of an investigation of the "viatical industry, a loosely regulated, often-misunderstood world that is riddled by fraud."