Zhou, Min,

Are Asian Americans Becoming "White?". Min Zhou. - Contexts, 2004. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Article 25, Human Relations, 1522-3248; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2005. Originally Published: Are Asian Americans Becoming "White?", Winter 2004; pp. 29-37.

"Are Asian Americans becoming 'white?' For many public officials the answer must be yes, because they classify Asian-origin Americans with European-origin Americans for equal opportunity programs. But this classification is premature and based on false premises. Although Asian Americans as a group have attained the career and financial success equated with being white, and although many have moved next to or have even married whites, they still remain culturally distinct and suspect in a white society." (CONTEXTS) The author argues that despite some claims, Asian Americans are still treated as "forever foreign" and that their label of "model minority" actually can enforce stereotypes and expectations.


Asian Americans--Attitudes
Asian Americans--Race identity
Assimilation (Sociology)
Ethnic relations
Race relations
Stereotype (Psychology)
