Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: Ranking the Rich 2005, Sept./Oct. 2005; pp. 76-83.
"The third annual CGD/FP Commitment to Development Index ranks the generosity of 21 rich nations on how they help or hinder the poor. The rich hand out vast sums of foreign aid, but they also put up enormous barriers to trade. They selflessly send soldiers to keep the peace, but then sell arms to Third World thugs. In the end, are the rich doing more harm than good?" (FOREIGN POLICY) This article analyzes the findings of the 2005 Commitment to Development Index and compares them with last year's results.
Millennium Development Goals
Arms transfers Commerce Commitment to Development Index Debt relief Developing countries Ecology Economic assistance Emigration and immigration Group of Eight Investments--Foreign Tariff Technology