Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: The Deadliest Cancer, Aug. 22, 2005; pp. 42-49.
"With the news last week [Aug. 14, 2005] that former smoker Peter Jennings had succumbed to lung cancer at 67 and Dana Reeve, who never smoked, was diagnosed with the disease at 44, millions of Americans grasped a terrible truth--the deadliest form of cancer doesn't strike just the pack-a-day crowd. Suddenly lung cancer was everyone's concern." (NEWSWEEK) This article discusses lung cancer and examines new and more effective treatments that are being studied.
Cancer--Causes and theories of causation Cancer--Genetic aspects Cancer--Mortality Cancer--Research Drugs--Research Iressa Lungs--Cancer Smoking--Mortality Tomography