Get Happy.
Claudia Wallis and others.
- Time, 2005.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Article 27, Health, 1522-323X; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: Get Happy, Jan. 17, 2005; pp. A1+.
"Want to get Americans to agree on something? Ask us if we're happy. In an era in which we can't reach a consensus on the dangers of the deficit, the wisdom of the war or even the color of the map, a clear majority stake a claim on happiness." (TIME) This article explores "how work, marriage, religion, money, health and even laughter itself lead to (and flow from) a state of happiness. We may not always be able to find it, but we know when we have arrived. And sometimes a road map can help."
Brain--Research Evolution (Biology) Faith Family Friendship Happiness Job satisfaction--Research Marriage Money--Psychological aspects Neurology Pleasure Positive psychology Psychology--Research Quality of life Religion Resilience (Personality trait) in children Social psychology Spirituality Sports spectators Values Work--Psychological aspects