Quandary for Colleges: How to Battle Binge Drinking.
Randy Dotinga.
- Christian Science Monitor, 2005.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Article 65, Health, 1522-323X; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: Quandary for Colleges: How to Battle Binge Drinking, Jan. 18, 2005; pp. n.p..
"As Lynn Gordon 'Gordie' Bailey Jr. prepared for his freshman year at the University of Colorado last fall [2004], his parents gave him the usual warnings about alcohol--be careful, don't ever drink and drive. They didn't mention the warning that drinking too much at one sitting could prove fatal....For its part, the university did give advice about alcohol poisoning to Mr. Bailey through an online program required of all freshmen. In addition, strict new rules at the school allowed administrators to suspend students after just two alcohol-related rules violations. None of this, however, prevented fraternity members from hazing Bailey on Sept. 16 [2004] with an initiation ritual that reportedly required him to down gallons of wine and liquor. By the next morning, he had died, the level of alcohol in his blood more than three times the legal limit for driving in many states. Now, Bailey's family are asking tougher questions aimed at the university's policies, joining other parents and students appalled by a recent spate of fatal alcohol overdoses around the country." (CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR) This article discusses the educational efforts being implemented by universities and colleges across the United States to combat binge drinking.
Alcoholism Alcoholism--Prevention Binge drinking College students--Alcohol use Greek letter societies Universities and colleges