The Tenth Planet.
Francis Reddy.
- Astronomy, 2005.
- SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Article 60, Science, 1522-3264; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: The Tenth Planet, Nov. 2005; pp. 68-69.
"'Get out your pens. Start rewriting the textbooks,' said Caltech astronomer Michael Brown in a hastily arranged teleconference late July 29 [2005]. His team had discovered a new object--temporarily named 2003 UB313--that is, he says, not only the farthest directly observed body in the solar system and the fourth brightest Kuiper Belt object. It is also our solar system's tenth planet." (ASTRONOMY) The article discusses the buzz surrounding the discovery of the tenth planet.
Astronomers Astronomy--Observations Kuiper Belt Planets Planets--Observations