Faith & doubt : an anthology of poems / Faith and doubt edited by Patrice Vecchione. - 1st ed. - New York : Henry Holt & Co., 2007. - 138 p. ; 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

God says yes to me / Kaylin Haught - My grandfather's hat / Nicholas Gardner - The girl who loved the sky / Anita Endrezze - Not / Joy Castro - The centaur / May Swenson - Faith / Al Young - School for visionaries / Charles Simic - The dog who walked on water / Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts - Echoes / John Ciardi - The death of Santa Claus / Charles Harper Webb - "For a while we lived with people" / Rumi - "There's a strange frenzy in my head" / Rumi - The faithful / Ronald Wallace - Doubt / Sara Holbrook - Doubt / Sir Lewis Morris - Son of the commandment / Robert Sward - Churchgoing / Marilyn Nelson - "My worthiness is all my doubt" / Emily Dickinson - Yet do I marvel / Countee Cullen - Long drop to black water / Judy Jordan - Bare-root / Stephen Meadows - "Doubt thou the stars are fire" / William Shakespeare - The song of Chang-gan : a story of young love / Li Po - What should I say / Sir Thomas Wyatt - Bible / Joseph Stroud - Doubt / Helen Hunt Jackson - The girl at five / Anna Paganelli - The dirty hand / Carlos Drummond de Andrade - Of the terrible doubt of appearances / Walt Whitman - No doubt / Martial - Last apple / Malka Heifetz Tussman - You may forget but / Sappho - "Every word is a doubt" / Roberto Juarroz - The doubt of future foes / Elizabeth I - Watch god crumble / Akasha Gloria Hull - The berries / William Heyen - Dear neighbor God / Rainer Maria Rilke - The place where we are right / Yehuda Amichai - Praise song / Lucille Clifton - Poetry / Pablo Neruda - Finders keepers / Patrice Vecchione - The waking / Theodore Roethke - Advertisement / Wislawa Szymborska - Hope, fear, and doubt / Percy Bysshe Shelley - In those days / Saadi Youssef - Love's doubt / John Milton Hay - The direction of light / Linda Hogan - Diamond dark / Marilyn Singer - The atheist's prayer / Miguel de Unamuno - "When I was five" / Gary Young - Waste / Kay Ryan - A prayer to the New Year / Fadwa Tuqan - Let evening come / Jane Kenyon.

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Belief and doubt--Poetry.
