Richardson, Bradley G.

Jobsmarts for twentysomethings / Job smarts for twenty-somethings. Bradley G. Richardson ; with cartoons by R.J. Matson. - 1st ed. - New York : Vintage Books, c1995. - xxi, 407 p. : illus. ; 23 cm.

"A Vintage original"--Label on cover.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 405-407).

What do you really want to do? -- Where are you going? goals and direction -- Perception vs. reality: expectations -- Skills that will set you apart -- Getting the experience employers want -- It really is who you know: networking and connections in the real world -- Success doesn't come looking for you -- Go for it: take risks -- Organizing jour job search -- Where the jobs are and aren't -- Your own market research: how to find and manage information about companies -- The personal press kit: resumes and cover letters -- Getting in the door -- Tryouts: interviews and what happens once you are in the door -- Selling you grades and education...or lack thereof -- Chossing a company and environment that are right for you -- Riding the roller coaster: patience and persistence during the job search -- The wasn't in the brochure -- Dealing with rejection and failure -- Job offers: picking a team -- Time to set new goals -- Getting up to speed: learning the ropes -- Relationships: getting along in the real world -- Organizing your life -- Communication skills -- Getting noticed: become your own public relations firm -- Keeping the edge: staying sharp and moving ahead -- How you are judged: performance reviews -- Ethics and integrity -- Attitude an demotions -- compensation, finances, and making the most of your money -- Life on the road: travel -- The don'ts of business: things to avoid -- Rookie quick tips -- Managing your life finding success.



Job hunting.
Vocational guidance.