Danziger, Paula.

Second grade rules, amber brown / Paula Danziger, Tony Ross. - [S.l.] : Putnam Juvenile, 2004. - 64 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. - A is for amber; easy-to-read. . - A is for amber; easy-to-read. .

Second grade is almost as wonderful as Amber expected, but there's one problem: the rules. Most of them are easy for Amber, but she just can't manage to keep her desk clean. Even when Ms. Light tells them about Deskarina, the fairy who gives treats to kids with neat desks (a cousin of Dentalina, the tooth fairy), Amber has trouble. But seeing other kids get treats while her desk is skipped over gets Frustrating&150just enough for her to take some action. Following closely on the events in Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown, kids and teachers will applaud this hilarious take on a universal September classroom issue.

0399234721 (hardcover) $13.99 9780399234729 (hardcover)