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1. Teach yourself PowerPoint 98 [videorecording] /ViaGrafix.

by -- ViaGrafix

Edition: Macintosh ed.Material type: visual material Visual Material; Format: videocassette ; Type of visual material: videorecording Publisher: Pryor, OK : ViaGrafix, c1998Other title: PowerPoint 98 for Macintosh | PowerPoint 98 | Teach yourself PowerPoint 98 for Macintosh.Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [VID 005.369 TEA] (1).

2. How to say it for women / by Phyllis Mindell.

by Mindell, Phyllis.

Edition: Rev. ed. of: A woman's guide to the language of success.Material type: book Book Publisher: Paramus, N.J. : Prentice Hall Press, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [PRO 650.1 MIN] (1).

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