Productions workers and the goods they make / 100% Educational Videos.
by 100% Educational Videos.
Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : 100% Educational Video, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 338 EDU] (1).
How our economy works / Educational Videos.
by Educational Videos.
Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : 100% Educational Videos, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 330.01 EDU] (1).
The young zillionaire's guide to producing goods and services / Juliana O. Tillema.
by Tillema, Juliana O.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
; Audience:
Publisher: New York : Rosen Central, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Country [338 til] (1).
Productions workers and the goods they make / 100% Educational Videos.
by 100% Educational Videos.
Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : 100% Educational Video, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 338 EDU] (1).
How our economy works / Educational Videos.
by Educational Videos.
Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : 100% Educational Videos, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 330.01 EDU] (1).
Lily learns about wants and needs / Lisa Bullard ; illustrated by Christine M. Schneider.
by Bullard, Lisa;
Schneider, Christine.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
; Audience:
Publisher: Minneapolis : Millbrook Press, [2014]Other title: Lily learns about wants & needs.Availability: Items available for loan: Country [332.024 BUL] (1).
What is economics? [videorecording] /produced & directed by Carlos Fink ; written by Marianne Ahern ; producer, Flavia Richards ; Fink Productions.
by Jones, Joan;
Fink, Carlos;
Ahern, Marianne;
Richards, Flavia.
-- Schlessinger Media;
Fink Productions Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual Material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 330 WHA] (1).
Starting a business [videorecording] /produced & directed by Carlos Fink ; written by Marianne Ahern ; producer, Flavia Richards ; Fink Productions.
by Jones, Joan;
Fink, Carlos;
Ahern, Marianne;
Richards, Flavia.
-- Schlessinger Media;
Fink Productions Edition: Standard format.Material type: Visual Material; Type of visual material:
; Audience:
Publisher: Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: Country [AV 658.11 STA] (1).
Teacher's Helper : Grades 2-3. Edition: Oct/Nov. 2000Material type: Book Publisher: Greensboro, NC : The Education Center, Inc, Oct/Nov. 2000Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [Oct/Nov 2000 TEA] (1).
Teacher's Helper : Grades 4-5. Edition: April/May/June 2000Material type: Book Publisher: Greensboro, NC : The Education Center, Inc, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [A/May/J 2000 TEA] (1).
What is economics? / produced by Schlessinger Media.Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [AV 330 WHA] (1).
Starting a business / produced by Schlessinger Media.Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [AV 658.11 STA] (1).
Service workers and the services they provide / Educational Videos.Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : Educational Videos, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [AV 331.7 EDU] (1).
Production workers and the goods they make / Educational Videos.Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : Educational Videos, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [AV 338 EDU] (1).
How our economy works / produced by Educational Videos.Material type: Book Publisher: El Dorado Hills, CA : Educational Videos, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Farley Hill [AV 330.01 EDU] (1).
Health and Human Society. / Clyde Hertzman.
by Hertzman, Clyde.
-- SIRS Publishing, Inc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: American Scientist, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [SIRS HEA2 19] (1).
Epidemic Proportions. / Saumya Das.
by Das, Saumya.
-- SIRS Publishing, Inc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: American Prospect, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [SIRS HEA2 12] (1).
Humanitarian Disaster? It's Even Worse Than That / Steven Komarow.
by Komarow, Steven;
Cox, James.
-- SIRS Publishing, Inc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Gannett News Service (Syndicate), 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [SIRS GLO2 79] (1).
Bankrupt at 24 / Susan Carpenter.
by Carpenter, Susan;
Dugas, Christine.
-- SIRS Publishing, Inc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Los Angeles Times, 2001; Gannett News Service (Syndicate), 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [SIRS FAM2 22] (1).
Fed Tries to Recharge Economy. / George Hager.
by Hager, George;
Baker, Gerard;
Tumulty, Brian.
-- SIRS Publishing, Inc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Gannett News Service (Syndicate), 2001; Financial Times, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School - old - to delete [SIRS BUS2 4] (1).