Benen, Steve.
Insidious Design. / Steve Benen. - Church & State, 2002. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Article 8. Institutions, 1522-3256; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Originally Published: Insidious Design, May 2002; pp. 8-13.
"Intelligent design, or ID, purports that life on earth is too complex to have evolved through natural selection, and therefore, must be the product of a 'designer.' Unlike traditional creationists who insist that the world is 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs hitched a ride on Noah's ark, ID proponents frequently have advanced degrees in scientific fields and cloak their agenda in academic language, giving their movement the veneer of respectability." (CHURCH & STATE) This article addresses the issue of introducing the concept of intelligent design, which supports the idea that life is a result of a creator, into school curriculums.
Biology--Study and teaching.
Evolution (Biology)
Intelligent design theory.
Religion in the public schools.
Insidious Design. / Steve Benen. - Church & State, 2002. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Article 8. Institutions, 1522-3256; .
Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2003. Originally Published: Insidious Design, May 2002; pp. 8-13.
"Intelligent design, or ID, purports that life on earth is too complex to have evolved through natural selection, and therefore, must be the product of a 'designer.' Unlike traditional creationists who insist that the world is 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs hitched a ride on Noah's ark, ID proponents frequently have advanced degrees in scientific fields and cloak their agenda in academic language, giving their movement the veneer of respectability." (CHURCH & STATE) This article addresses the issue of introducing the concept of intelligent design, which supports the idea that life is a result of a creator, into school curriculums.
Biology--Study and teaching.
Evolution (Biology)
Intelligent design theory.
Religion in the public schools.